Lauletta Birnbaum LLC

Our lawyers are from the nation’s most prestigious law firms.
Our fee structure isn’t.

Slow and plodding legal counsel is perfectly suitable for business today. As long as your business is slow and plodding.

The standard business model isn’t so standard anymore.
Doing Business Justice®
Our business law firm, located in NJ and Philadelphia, understands that you have to be both intellectually and financially nimble. Open-minded, yet cautious. Simultaneously aggressive and frugal. You have to move faster, travel lighter, and respond more quickly to market forces than ever before, whether within the U.S. or abroad.
This holds true for every kind of business in every market. From software and tech to manufacturing and distribution, all of which are becoming truly global businesses. You can’t afford business partners who lag behind, slow you down, or hold you back.
» They have to be able to keep up and help keep you ahead.
If your business is searching for legal representation or advice from an established team of attorneys or wants to learn more about our business law practice areas, read our client testimonials or contact Lauletta Birnbaum to see how we can do your business justice.
Our Professionals
Our team of lawyers and professionals represents a diverse collection of pedigrees, experience, backgrounds, personalities, and expertise.
They bring entrepreneurial energy, real-world business experience, and legal savvy to our clients ranging from high tech and real estate to entertainment and corporate industries. This rich pool of collective talent and resources allows us to deliver precisely the kind of representation each client and case requires for maximum impact and results.
Practice Areas
Lauletta Birnbaum is a nimble, business-smart law firm. We combine the expertise and results of the larger firms, with the high-level engagement and value consciousness of a smaller boutique.
We represent both private and public companies in various industries, including many in the complex fields of software data and high technology. Our lawyers are equally at home in the courtroom or serving as outside general counsel.

In addition to top-notch lawyers and the responsiveness necessary to keep pace with the speed at which our business operates, with Lauletta Birnbaum, our legal budget remains under control.
Larry Berran, CEO / iPipeline
Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
Every company needs to have access to competent legal advice and counsel. With Lauletta Birnbaum, we have an attorney that understands our business, our plans and goals, which is important to successfully operate in a fast-paced, high-tech environment operating on international business with many moving parts like ours.
Joel Myers/AccuWeather
Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

With a family business you never know what you’re going to run into. Lauletta Birnbaum was a good choice for us with a well-rounded team and a common sense approach. The firm is very capable and we don’t worry or feel like we’re missing something.
Christopher P. Fazzio, President / Joseph Fazzio, Inc.
Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.